2.5 Admins 138: Drive Failure

Google Drive’s arbitrary file limit, SMR disks probably die sooner, Western Digital’s My Cloud outage locks some people out of their data, why we don’t talk much about Veeam, and running containers as root.



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Managing Disk Arrays on FreeBSD and TrueNAS



Google Drive quietly introduced (then pulled) a file creation limit for all users

HDD average life span misses 3-year mark in study of 2,007 defective drives

Users fume after My Cloud network breach locks them out of their data


Free Consulting

We were asked about running containers as root.







Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a



Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 137: Schrodinger’s Backup

Yet another reason not to plug random USB drives into your laptop, how Reddit learned about the importance of testing your backups, and we brainstorm a sysadmin’s version of a minimal password manager.



Journalist plugs in unknown USB drive mailed to him—it exploded in his face

You Broke Reddit: The Pi-Day Outage


Free Consulting

We were asked about rolling your own password manager.






With HelloFresh, you get farm-fresh, pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep. Get 50% off at hellofresh.com/25admins50 using the promo code 25admins50



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.






See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 136: Red Scare

Why the RESTRICT Act is about much more than banning Tik Tok, what recent Tesla hacks tell us about the way the security research community is changing, and what server manufacturers we recommend.



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TikTok ban hearing: all the news on the US’s crackdown on the video platform

The ‘Insanely Broad’ RESTRICT Act Could Ban Much More Than Just TikTok

Tesla Model 3 Hacked in Less Than 2 Minutes at Pwn2Own Contest


Free Consulting

We were asked about what server manufacturers we recommend.






Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 135: Moonshots

Why the death of Reader 10 years ago might come back to haunt Google, Samsung’s AI moon photos raise a philosophical question, Jim’s frustrations with Ubuntu, and connecting a POS system.



Support us on patreon

FreeBSD History: Understanding the origins of DTrace



Requiem for Google Reader, gone but not forgotten

Samsung’s Moon photos are fake — but so is a lot of mobile photography

How Samsung Galaxy Cameras Combine Super Resolution Technologies With AI Technology to Produce High-Quality Images of the Moon


Free Consulting

We were asked about connecting a POS system.







Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a



Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 134: 2guys1tesla

Our take on the collapse of Siicon Valley Bank, an odd case of 2 Teslas with the same key, filesystems in VMs, and self-hosted password managers.



Support us on patreon

FreeBSD vs Linux: Tracing and Troubleshooting



Silicon Valley Bank collapses

Common equity capital chart

Man accidentally drove away in someone else’s tesla using the car’s app


Free Consulting

We were asked about filesystems in VMs, and self-hosted password managers.






Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a






See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 133: ElasticWallet

Saving millions of dollars by exiting the cloud, GoDaddy is compromised by a sophisticated attacker, why you really shouldn’t use a smart plug to powercycle your router, running SMB and NFS shares on the same host, why private keys should stay private, and using old hardware as a backup server.



Support us on patreon

Klara Webinar: Deploying a Successful Performance Audit



We stand to save $7m over five years from our cloud exit

GoDaddy says a multi-year breach hijacked customer websites and accounts

You Should[n’t] Be Using a Smart Plug to Restart Your Router


Free Consulting

We were asked about running SMB and NFS shares on the same host, why private keys should stay private, and using old hardware as a backup server.







Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 132: 1.5FA

Twitter are going to charge for bad 2 factor authentication, new alarming details about the recent LastPass breach, and setting up a DNS server in the cloud.



Support us on patreon

Klara: ZFS Optimization Success Stories



An update on two-factor authentication using SMS on Twitter

LastPass says employee’s home computer was hacked and corporate vault taken


Free Consulting

We were asked about setting up a DNS server in the cloud.






Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a






See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 131: At Least Try

Google is getting paid to advertise malware sites, Comcast’s false map data, more on private TLDs, why we don’t use Btrfs, and getting notifications for your monitoring.



Support us on patreon

Klara Sysadmin Series: How to catch a bitcoin miner



Until further notice, think twice before using Google to download software

Comcast gave false map data to FCC—and didn’t admit it until Ars got involved


Free Consulting

We were asked about getting notifications for your monitoring.







Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more at kolide.com/25a



Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 130: HotBot Topic

Microsoft and Google seem to think that chatbots are the future of search, the problem of filtering spam, and organising data with backups in mind.



Support us on patreon

Klara Live Webinar, Feb 23rd: Deploying a Successful Performance Audit



Bing is having bizarre emotional breakdowns and there’s a subreddit with examples

Alphabet stock price drops after Google Bard launch blunder

Microsoft classifies own emails as junk


Free Consulting

We were asked about organising data with backups in mind.






Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.







See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 129: 2.5aDMiNs.cOm

A “smart” lighting system goes wrong, mitigating a DNS attack, an unsatisfying update about Eufy cameras, why Jim and Allan won’t be active on Mastodon any time soon, and how we set up servers in a few minutes.



Support us on patreon

Klara Live Webinar, Feb 23rd: Deploying a Successful Performance Audit



US school runs lights 24/7/365: The smart lights have been broken since 2021

This is why your DNS queries now have random capitalization

Anker finally comes clean about its Eufy security cameras


Free Consulting

We were asked about how we set up servers in a few minutes.






Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.



Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Kolide can help you nail third party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3Xfbsct






See our contact page for ways to get in touch.