2.5 Admins 118: Chaos Emerald Wealth

Why the Twitter infrastructure is creaking, Jim’s experiences of the Ubuntu Summit, changing VM resources without rebooting, and more.



Why Twitter will fail shortly

Twitter mayhem, staff cuts have advertisers bailing on the platform

Jim tells us about his experiences at the Ubuntu Summit


Free Consulting

We were asked about WireGuard on OPNsense, and changing VM resources without rebooting.





Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 117: Local Burner

Microsoft’s half-baked Arm machine, why it’s a bad idea to go to the World Cup in Qatar, using WireGuard to punch through double NAT, and the best filesystem for removable storage. With guest host Alex Kretzschmar from Self-Hosted.



Microsoft’s new $599 Mac Mini-like PC is designed to improve Windows on Arm

How many major upgrade cycles with your main work machine do you expect to go through before you transition to an Arm machine?

Everyone going to the World Cup must have this app – experts are now sounding the alarm

Qatar Spyware – Schneier on Security


Free Consulting

We were asked about WireGuard and double NAT, and the best filesystem for removable storage.









Kolide is a fleet visibility solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that can help you securely scale your business. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3HB8xUv



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 116: Worst Billionaire

Android’s controversial VPN settings, the deepfake audio arms race, the Metaverse is even worse than we thought, and why you shouldn’t use external cables for server storage. With guest host Alex Kretzschmar from Self-Hosted.



Android leaks connectivity check traffic

Meta’s New Headset Will Track Your Eyes for Targeted Ads

Deepfake audio has a tell – researchers use fluid dynamics to spot artificial imposter voices


Free Consulting

We were asked about usuing Thunderbolt storage with a server, and how PINs relate to encryption.






Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.



2.5 Admins 115: Key Party

Password spray attacks, the value of certifications vs actual experience, and the best VPN strategy.



Use Authentication Policies to Fight Password Spray Attacks


Free Consulting

We were asked about certifications, and VPN strategy.





Kolide is a fleet visibility solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that can help you securely scale your business. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3HB8xUv



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.



2.5 Admins 114: RAID WTF

An impressive AI pretends to be Linux, Jim gets angry about a RAIDZ calculator, and using a laptop as a server.



We interviewed Linux OS through an AI bot to discover its secrets


Free Consulting

We were asked about using a laptop as a server.






Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 113: Eggs and Baskets

Traditional vs modern backup methods, hiding malware inside innocent-looking files, and power loss protection in SSDs.



Steganography alert: Backdoor spyware stashed in Microsoft logo


Free Consulting

We were asked about power loss protection in SSDs





Kolide is a fleet visibility solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that can help you securely scale your business. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3HB8xUv



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 112: Reuse > Recycle

A drone-delivered exploit system, why companies destroy perfectly good hardware, and pulling backups from a Windows machine.



Support us on patreon

iX and Klara – The Open Source Era is Upon Us

Your Comprehensive Guide to FreeBSD’s rc



Drone attack Twitter thread

Why Big Tech shreds millions of storage devices it could reuse


Free Consulting

We were asked about pulling backups from a Windows machine.







Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 111: The Freezer Trick

SSDs are probably more reliable than spinning hard drives, how much RAM you actually need, Cloudflare alternatives, sudo password security, and more.



Support us on patreon

the History of Package Management on FreeBSD



The SSD Edition: 2022 Drive Stats Mid-year Review

How Much RAM Do You Need in 2022?

Exploring Swap on FreeBSD






A Practical Guide to (Correctly) Troubleshooting with Traceroute (pdf)

Paris Traceroute

How to properly interpret a traceroute or mtr



Free Consulting

We were asked about sudo password security.





Manage all your Borg backup repositories in one place via web interface or API. Use promo code 25A to get 30% off your first year at BorgBase.com



Kolide is a fleet visibility solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that can help you securely scale your business. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3HB8xUv



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.





See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 110: Border Gateway Currency

How a BGP hijack facilitated the theft of $235k worth of crypto, why we aren’t too excited about Cloudflare’s new CAPTCHA, and how to configure ZFS on Proxmox.



Support us on patreon

Deploying FreeBSD on Oracle Cloud

Allan and Wendell chat about ZFS data recovery



How 3 hours of inaction from Amazon cost cryptocurrency holders $235,000

Announcing Turnstile, a user-friendly, privacy-preserving alternative to CAPTCHA


Free Consulting

We were asked about ZFS on Proxmox.

Klara Article: Jim on tuning ZFS recordsize

Jim’s Proxmox bug





Kolide is a fleet visibility solution for Mac, Windows, and Linux that can help you securely scale your business. Learn more here: https://l.kolide.co/3HB8xUv



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.


2.5 Admins 109: Selling Technical Debt

Why solving network congestion issues is so difficult, our thoughts on DNS privacy, an unwise use case for 32-bit Linux, and PoE injectors vs switches.



The Math Proves It—Network Congestion Is Inevitable


Free Consulting

We were asked about Power over Ethernet injectors vs PoE switches.






Tailscale is a VPN service that makes the devices and applications you own accessible anywhere in the world, securely and effortlessly. Go to tailscale.com and try it for free on up to 20 devices.



Simplify your cloud infrastructure with Linode’s Linux virtual machines and develop, deploy, and scale your modern applications faster and more easily. Go to linode.com/25a and get started with $100 credit.




See our contact page for ways to get in touch.